26. Eye-rolling... a predictor of divorce?!
I used to think eye rolling was just a bad habit… until I found out it’s actually part of one of the biggest predictors of divorce. Yep, you read that right 😐
Maybe you find yourself rolling your eyes at your partner during arguments… or even just throughout the day. Maybe it’s your partner who does it and it makes you feel awful…
Let's meet that with looooove and dive right in 💖
⭐ Why eye rolling is considered a major relationship red flag according to the Gottman Institute
⭐ What is UNDER the eye roll
⭐ How to change it if it’s your pattern & what to do if it’s your partner’s
⭐ The antidote to contempt
As I shared in the episode, the pod all about appreciation (the antidote to contempt 😉) ➡️
Apple 🍏 https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/24-not-feeling-appreciated-do-this-gottman-gold/id1766560193?i=1000690836333
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/0YY6BbM5MARrcXXxdniiaj?si=be5d4af2ea9b48bd
Dive into my relationship changing self driven program, Relationship Recharge! https://lovingwithintention.mykajabi.com/relationshiprechargeselfdrivenofficial2024
The information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not specific relationship advice nor does it apply to abusive or unsafe relationships.
Let’s connect! Instagram: @loving.with.intention
[email protected]
Website: https://www.lovingwithintentioncoach.com