What's Inside
Client Wins
Let's do this!
If you are in a relationship and you're tired of spending most evenings sitting on the opposite ends of the couch, scrolling on your phones...

It's time for:

Relationship Recharge: Bring love, connection and appreciation back into your relationship 💗

even if you're the only one who dives in!
If you are in a relationship and you're tired of spending most evenings sitting on the opposite ends of the couch, scrolling on your phones...
It's time for:

Relationship Recharge: Bring love, connection and appreciation back into your relationship 💗

even if you're the only one who dives in!

  • Do you want to look forward to getting home and seeing your partner?
  • Do you want to hear your partner say, "I appreciate you"?
  • Do you want to feel ease in your life because you're finally on the same page?

    Relationship Recharge: Your Self-Driven Journey is for you!
Get the relationship you dream of! Click here!
Relationship Recharge is the perfect fit for you if:

You are in a relationship and want to walk in the door at the end of a long day and be met with a hug and an "I love you".

💗 You want to be able to bring up the things that hurt or bother you and have your partner actually listen validate you… SEE you. 

💗 You want to hear the genuine words, “I’m sorry, I was wrong” so that you can stop replaying the hurt and actually carry on with your day with some peace.

💗 You want to feel like you’re actually on the same page, able to work through hard things and make important decisions together, knowing that your partner has your back.

💗 You would love more laughs, playfulness, flirting… sitting close to each other on the couch, having fun chats about your day and that future. You want more LOVE!

You can’t afford to just keep waiting for things to get better! Relationship Recharge is for couples OR individuals in relationships because even one person can create MAJOR change! 

💔 The truth is, the longer you wait for things to change, the longer things stay the same or get worse. Years ago, I kept telling myself, “I’ll get help after the next fight”… but we ended up breaking up because I never got the support I needed. If you picture the future and think, “I can’t keep doing this forever”… let this be your sign. Nothing changes if nothing changes!

💓 Investing in your relationship now means when you spend money on vacations later, you’ll actually enjoy them! You know when you’re excited for a date or vacation, and then a fight ruins it?  Now you’re upset, no one’s apologizing and it feels worse because you were supposed to be having fun. I’ve been there—it doesn’t have to be like this.

👉 Or maybe you’re out together, but you’re both just scrolling on your phones, barely speaking… Your partner just mumbles “hmm” when you tell them something… and you can feel yourselves drifting apart. I see you.

⭐ If you have kids, maybe you’ve noticed how your fights or disconnection are affecting them. You see them retreating to their rooms or acting out… and it hurts. It’s not too late to shift those patterns so they can see you connected, having meaningful apologies and looking like you like each other.. like you love each other.

🥰 Have you been reading relationship books, following advice on social media but are still feeling frustrated that your partner isn’t on board? Your partner just shoots you down whenever your bring anything up to do with working on your relationship... 
and change feels impossible.
Years ago, my partner said “No” whenever I'd ask him to do something for our relationship so I dove into growth work on my own. And guess what? 
He started showing up in ways I’d wanted for so long because I was changing our dance. We’ve even gone to a couples retreat, which NEVER would have happened in the hard days!!!! (See pic!)

If I’d waited for him to say yes to growth years ago instead of jumping in myself, I don’t want to think about where we’d be....
So if your partner isn't on board with growth, know that change will happen when you dive in.
Doing nothing = staying stuck… or worse 💔

What if you could wake up in the morning and look at your partner, smile and start the day with a hug? How would it change things to have an ease-filled, chill, playful vibe as you get ready for work? Your partner isn't glued to their phone, instead they're chatting with you and you head out to your days feeling calm and connected. 

Picture how your day usually goes...

you drink your coffee in silence or maybe the morning is so busy and just full of short, tense interactions and tension and you feel  frustrated before the day has even really started

💔 You want to show your partner love but you find yourself feeling annoyed by them. It’s frustrating because you laugh with your friends but then you and your partner are snappy and short-tempered with each other... or just existing quietly, having boring conversation...

 Do you tend to sweep issues under the rug because you know if you bring it up, it'll be another fight, your partner will defend themselves or they will just shut down? That hurts SO much... So what's the point?...

😔 You find yourself thinking, "Things will never change.." because they've been this way for so long...

You are not alone and it makes sense you’re feeling frustrated & hurt and finding yourself stuck in patterns you wish were SO different.

The truth is:

We NEVER learn how to do relationships.

We spend so much time and energy in school and then learning how to do our jobs or careers… hours and hours AND HOURS.

But relationships? The thing we spend SO much time in? The thing that impacts EVERYTHING in our lives!?

No one teaches us this stuff.

A loving, connected relationship is literally the greatest predictor of all around happiness according to an 84 year long Harvard study!!

The good news is...  You are here!!! 
Ready to DIVE in, learn and grow!!!

The truth is:

We NEVER learn how to do relationships.

We spend so much time and energy in school and then learning how to do our jobs or careers… hours and hours AND HOURS.

But relationships? The thing we spend SO much time in? The thing that impacts EVERYTHING in our lives!?
No one teaches us this stuff.

A loving, connected relationship is literally the greatest predictor of all around happiness according to an 84 year long Harvard study!!

The good news is...  You are here!!! 

Ready to DIVE in, learn and grow!!!

Relationship Recharge is exactly what you need to bring connection, appreciation and love back into your relationship!

It is SO possible to feel deeply connected, have more fun & feel seen and heard even when your partner (and you!) are currently bringing out unhealthy patterns like criticism, shutting down, defensiveness or contempt.

We all have a list of unhealthy patterns that can be changed!

💫 There’s 
literally a roadmap to thriving love! 
Relationship Recharge will show you exactly where to focus your energy so that you can shift your unhealthy patterns and feel so much happier in your relationship! 
But… what about your partner’s unhealthy patterns if they don't do the program with you? 
 When you change your patterns, your partner’s change too!  One person changing their moves changes the whole dance! 

💃🏼 Changing your moves when it comes to conflict means 
you can break your argument cycle - whether you both argue and things fly off rails... or one of you argues & won’t stop while the other shuts down… YOU can CHANGE this 
Picture this ➡️ You get in an argument... BUT it's over quickly, it isn't full of hurtful reactions & then you and your partner hug, apologize.. and get back to enjoying your day together 🙌🏻 This can be real liiiife!

🙏🏻  Most of the time when we argue, we stay stuck in the surface stuff ➡️ “I can’t believe they said that”, “How can they think that?”, “They don’t understand me or even care”... and then we truly stay stuck. In Relationship Recharge, we're going under the surface, so that you can start getting your needs met and feel seen, heard and truly validated by your partner. 

💗 And if arguments aren’t showing up but you’re really 
feeling like roommates, two ships passing in the night, like a couple of friends rather than loving partners… there is still SO much under the surface. And, let me tell you, date nights are not the answer 🙅‍♀️ Clearly seeing what’s under the surface allows you to close the gap between the two of you, so that you feel connected, wanted, appreciated and loved.

When you experience growth and change in your relationship, you’ll be showing up with more confidence, happiness and passion in allllll areas of your life! This amazing ripple effect of diving into the Love Journey Process is always a welcome surprise!

I’m in, I’m ready for change
By the end of week 1, you’ll see the challenges in your relationship in a whole new way and feel motivated (and equipped!) to start making changes literally right away!
By the end of week 2, you’ll see why what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working when it comes to arguments or sweeping things under the rug… and you’ll have a new, personalized game plan of how to break cycles to get connection and understanding!
By the end of week 3, you’ll know the power of the love account and juuuust how much it impacts EVERYTHING. You’ll know how to fill it up and get your needs met! And things will feel so much smoother.
By the end of week 4, you’ll have a whole new way to talk about upsetting things in your relationship and be able to see just how differently things go when you use these new tools.
By the end of week 5, you’ll be seeing yourself, and your partner, through a more loving lens. You’ll learn the power of repair and how to truuuuly repair… and be on the road to hearing the apologies you long for.
By the end of week 6, you’ll know about adult attachment, which is an absolute MUST. We should learn about this in school!! Healing happens here. Deep understanding happens here. Relationships are ALL about attachment - and you'll be on the road to creating a more secure attachment with your partner.
By the end of week 7, you’ll be moving through the day to day with so much more awareness of how you and your partner react, share and hear each other. You’ll really get to dig in and replace unhealthy patterns with much healthier ones so that you and your partner feel so much more seen and understood.
By the end of week 8, you’ll know what factors are SO important for a thriving relationship and have your personalized focus areas to keeeeep growing. You’ll also be able to start using what you learn about sex & intimacy, if you choose, to start bringing the spark back if it’s missing!

⭐ Your online portal has one prep module then eight relationship changing modules (see above!) 💓 I walk you through everything you need to know to start shifting patterns so that you can feel connected and excited about your relationship! These videos are modeled after the sessions I do with my private coaching clients that get them the results they've been wanting in their relationships ➡️ increased connection, feeling like a team, smoother conversations about hard things, appreciation... and so much more 💓

  Relationship Recharge is packed with the same worksheets & handouts I use with my private coaching clients to help them level up and create change! The tools are research backed, pulling from some of the lead relationship researchers in the world ➡️ The Gottman Institute, Dr Gary Chapman, Dr Sue Johnson and more 💗

Many private coaching clients have said one of the reasons that the Love Journey is so much more impactful than the therapy they've done in the past is the tools and actionable steps that come along with them!  I still use the tools in my relationship today because they are everythiiiing! 💓

⭐ At the end of every module, you will have your HOMEPLAY! This is homework... but fun!  I will give you specific focus areas for the next week so that you know you are actually creating change! There's no guesswork, you'll know exactly how to apply what you've learned in each module!  The homeplay doesn't actually take much extra time ➡️ it will be actions, small changes and shifts that you'll be bringing into your every day! 

Relationship Recharge was created to be absolutely life changing whether you dive in with your partner or on your own!  You might start solo and then find that your partner starts to warm up to the idea!  You can revisit the modules again and again!  I'm so excited to have brought the Love Journey Process to a self-paced program ➡️ No need to find a time that works for a coaching session, the program is there waiting for you whenever you create time to dive in! 💓

What is the investment for Relationship Recharge?

I'm so stoked for yoooou!! CHANGE IS COMING!!!

I'll be super honest ➡️ investing time, money and energy into your relationship NOW is going to free up time and energy in the future! Think of all the time you spend stressing, disconnected, arguing and worrying about your relationship now… now imagine that time as free time to enjoy your relationship, partner and LIFE when you commit to growing and improving your relationship! Eeeee!

Diving into relationship growth solo was the catalyst for soooo much change in my relationship years ago! It was the first time I saw my partner showing real, consistent interest in relationship growth ~ which was sparked by how I was showing up differently in our relationship  because I'd finally said YES to learning how to "do relationships!"

You can't afford not to do this if you want things to get better.














Special JOY workshop, hosted by meeee!!  I have my certification in Joy Potential Coaching and you’ll get access to a pre-recorded workshop allllll about joy so that you can tap into more of that feeling on your journey!

Date Night Discovery Cards & Friends First Cards, created by the Center for Thriving Relationships (where I did my Coach Certification!). These printable cards are the perfect prompts for deeper, more connected conversations with your partner.

Printable: Tips on how to talk to your partner about relationship growth! It can be so hard to tell your partner you’d like to work on your relationship… you might get really nervous or just totally shut down and not bring it up.  I got you. Your approach makes a WORLD of difference so, with this bonus, you’ll know exactly how to set yourself up for success.



Individuals or couples who are:

➡ In a relationship and experiencing abuse/violence - please seek therapy & support
➡ In a relationship with active substance ABUSE - please seek therapy & support
➡ In a relationship and have recently found out about an affair or where a past affair has occurred and it is greatly impacting the relationship and/or  your partner isn’t interested in doing healing work around affair - individual or couples coaching or therapy would be recommended.
➡ Experiencing untreated psychiatric emergencies - please seek professional help

I am ready for a Relationship Recharge!

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*Webinar content is not for those in abusive/unsafe relationships*