23. What to do when your partner keeps complaining

"You never listen to me!", "We never have fun anymore!", “You’re always on your phone”...

These critical complaints hurt. And they create more and more distance in your relationship 💔

Complaints aren’t going anywhere! Two unique humans coming together means that not everything flows smoothly! The good news is, you can turn complaints, even critical ones, into connecting moments💖

✨ What’s UNDER these critical complaints
✨ The four common (and unhelpful) ways we respond to these critical complaints - and how to shift your reaction to bring connection instead of distance
✨ How your response can shift your partner’s criticism
✨ How to bring up your own complaints in a healthy, helpful way

Check out this episode to dive even deeper into wonder and look under ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/4-the-relationship-mistake-you-dont-even-know-youre-making/id1766560193?i=1000670405956 Ready to go EVEN DEEPER? 💖

You can experience my Love Journey Process in my self-driven program, Relationship Recharge! ➡️ https://lovingwithintention.mykajabi.com/relationshiprechargeselfdrivenofficial2024

The information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not specific relationship advice nor does it apply to abusive or unsafe relationships.

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