22. The truth about venting to friends about your relationship

I used to complain about my partner to… SO many people in my life 😖

I didn’t realize just how harmful it was for our relationship. I still talk to 2 friends about our relationship but it looks VERY different now.

I, personally, don’t believe we need to stop talking to friends about our relationship ENTIRELY. But I do believe there’s a way to be intentional about it - with who we talk to, how we talk about it and what the goal and intention is (and more!)

⭐ The harmful effects of venting/complaining about your relationship to friends or family (and the beautiful, valid reasons under * why * we do it
⭐ The negative cycle it can create
⭐ How to choose who you share with and what you share
⭐ How to set yourself, your friends and your relationship up for success when it comes to expressing challenges in your relationship

All about priming your brain to see and feel the GOOD ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/11-this-is-making-you-miserable-in-your-relationship/id1766560193?i=1000676500757

Currently accepting individuals and couples into my Love Journey private coaching! 💖 Email me or DM me on instagram - I got you!

The information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not specific relationship advice nor does it apply to abusive or unsafe relationships.
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Instagram: @loving.with.intention
Email: [email protected]
Website: Loving With Intention