20. What to do when your husband says, "Relax!" "It's just a joke!"

JOIN THE FREE 3 DAY RELATIONSHIP RESET FOR WOMEN!! ➡️ https://lovingwithintention.mykajabi.com/relationshipresetchallengejan2025

“Just relax!” “It’s just a joke!” “You’re overreacting!” “I was just kidding!”...

Have you ever heard these things from your husband when you’ve just shared that you felt hurt by something he said? And then he responds this way and you’ve now got more hurt on top of the hurt because you’ve been dismissed and invalidated?

We can say all sorts of things to convince them that our feelings ARE hurt and it wasn’t “Just a joke”... but it seems to fall on deaf ears 😔

⭐ What might be under the “I was kidding”
⭐ How you can respond in a new way to get a different outcome… and feel heard!
⭐ How this can lead to deeper conversations and this behavior totally changing!

Let’s goooo!!

And my FREE 3 DAY RELATIONSHIP RESET FOR WOMEN is BACK!!!!! ➡️ https://lovingwithintention.mykajabi.com/relationshipresetchallengejan2025

Starting January 21, we are diving IN!! Within three days, you WILL see change in your relationship - even though your partner isn’t doing the work! I GOT YOU!!!

The information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not specific relationship advice nor does it apply to abusive or unsafe relationships.

Let’s Connect! Instagram: @loving.with.intention
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.lovingwithintentioncoach.com