What's Inside
Let's do this!


⭐ My partner wants nothing to do with relationship growth, how can things possibly get better? ⭐

This is a super common question that I hear a lot and I used to struggle to understand it myself!  💞  What I’ve learned through my own experience and coaching clients is - when one person changes their steps in the dance, the whole dance changes. Your partner can’t keep doing the same ol’ steps if you are changing YOUR patterns!  💃🏼

The individuals who dove into the pre-launch of Relationship Recharge: Your Self Driven Journey without their partners were pleasantly surprised at how quickly things started changing in their relationships!  You don’t have to wait for your partner to get on board with growth (who knows if that day will come.. unless you dive in and commit to your growth now! 🙌🏻)

And, as I’ve shared before, when I dove into relationship growth on my own, with the support of a coach ➡️ I learned that my partner actually wasn’t opposed to relationship growth AT ALL! This blew my mind. The truth was, we actually didn’t have emotional safety in our relationship and I found out that I’d been approaching it in a very uninspiring way… both of these things I was able to start shifting thanks to finally learning how to dooo relationships and create change! 😍 (By week 3 of the program he refused to join, my partner was asking about the content and joining in on the modules! My eyes nearly bugged out of my head! And these days, he is alllll in!)

⭐ I’m worried about the cost… ⭐
This makes sooo much sense, we all know the raising prices all around us and adding on another expense can be… stressful 😫

I felt the same about investing in relationship growth programs and coaching. And.. I had to ask myself… What is the cost of staying where we are in our relationship? That changed my mind.

Just sit for a moment and picture yourself a year from now and nothing has changed between the two of you. Or… it’s gotten worse. The truth is, things aren’t likely to get better if nothing changes 🙏🏻

That’s why I look at it as an investment.. Investing in your heart, your growth, your relationship, your happiness, your future. You’re not just buying a program; you’re gaining a life-changing experience 💕 #priceless 💖

And I decided to make this program wildly affordable ➡️ This is the most affordable way to dive into my Love Journey Process 💗 It is a fraction of the price of private coaching 💓 And... it's a game changer 😭

⭐ I don’t have the time to commit to this program ⭐

I get it. SO much! Life is super busy. The reeeeally cool thing about investing time into personal and relationship growth is that it actually creates more time! #waitwhat #saymore… 😂 Think about how much time you spend now feeling tense, stressed, arguing with your partner, being in that post argument yuck feeling where you want reconnection but it’s not happening, disconnection, losing sleep replaying arguments, venting to friends about how unhappy you are, feeling anxious because things are so hard… WHEW. That is a LOT of time.

Committing to your growth means a lottttt of those things are going to be happening WAY less (or not at all!). Time. Created ✨ You’ll be spending that time feeling a lot more ease and flow with your partner and in life in general!

And, with this self-paced program,  YOU get to find the time that works best for you! 💓 I recommend scheduling in 90 minutes per module, this will give you time to watch the videos and spend some time with the tools! 💗 If you're anything like me, between phone scrolling, tv watching and even sleeping in... I could definitely make 90 minutes out of that time to invest in and transform my relationship 😭


⭐ I’m scared that I'll do the program... and nothing will change ⭐

I've heard this... a lot💗 I recently had someone say, "I'm scared I'll do the program, without my partner, and nothing will change.. and then what? What does that mean?"

It makes so much sense that this fear would come up.  You see all the testimonials of people who are so much happier in their relationships... but what if you don't have that same experience? Does that mean your relationship is doomed?  It might feel safer not to even try because who would want to feel like their relationship is doomed...

When this person shared this fear with me, it reminded me of an individual private coaching client I worked with last year...

After just a few sessions, she was already seeing changes in her relationship, changes from her partner even though he wasn't participating annnd she said to me ➡️ "Lindsay, I don't even care if [my partner] makes anymore changes. I've changed. My heart has changed. I feel different, I see things differently, I feel so much better".

This is it, right here. If you fully dive in, do the homeplay, stay consistent and commit to loving with intention... your heart changes 💗 And the ripple effect of this alone is worth it 💓 (Sidenote: By the end of the program, things were more loving in her relationship, she was able to have hard conversations without things going sideways, she was expressing herself, she was feeling more appreciated.. SO MUCH GOODNESS!)

No matter where you’re at on your relationship journey, these tools are fundamental and apply to *alllll relationships and stages 💕 *There are just a few caveats here - this program is not for those in abusive/unsafe relationships, relationships with active substance abuse, if you’re in a relationship and have recently found out about an affair or where a past affair has occurred and it is greatly impacting the relationship and/or your partner isn’t interested in doing healing work around affair or if you are experiencing untreated psychiatric emergencies* In these instances, therapy and/or more individualized support is recommended.

⭐ How do I know if I like your style or coaching? ⭐

Such a great question!  I can totally appreciate that you’d want to know if my coaching is a good fit for you! 💗

You can check out my free webinar: Break Free from Fighting 💗

Also, I’d be so happy to jump on a quick free call with you to connect, if that would be helpful! 💕 

Just click here to set something up! It would be my deliiiiight to chat 💝

ANY other questions, I am so here for you! [email protected] 💗

Empowering yourself and knowing where to focus your precious energy to actually make change in your relationship is the quickest way to feeling connected again…

and when you super-charge your efforts by having the guidance, support and love from a coach, you are priiiiiimed to create the relationship you’ve been dreaming of!